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The Dolphin Project (TDP) is hosting a dolphin program
November 17, 2019 @ 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm
The Dolphin Project (TDP) is hosting a dolphin program, followed by a research training workshop, Sunday, November 17,
At the Richmond Hill Library, 9607 Ford Ave., Richmond Hill, GA., from 12 – 2:30 pm. Come learn about the
Habits of and threats to the local wild bottle nose dolphin. TDP is an all-volunteer research, education and conservation organization begun in 1989 to research and protect bottle nose dolphin and our shared environment. Learn how our crews conduct monthly on-water, photo-ID surveys and how you can become a member of TDP. Program is age appropriate
For 12+. Minimum age for research participation is 16. Skippers with boats Team Leaders and Photographers with a
300 mm lens camera (or greater) are needed. Come join the fun! The program is free of charge.
RSVP: thedolphinproject@gmail.com. or call 912-657-3927.
For more information on TDP please visit us at www.thedolphinproject.org or like us on Facebook: The Dolphin Project – TDP