Our clients are businesses and non-profit organizations who need a marketing team to raise their profile and differentiate their brand. We understand the need for a return on investment and our culture focuses on creating success for our clients and relies on clear, direct communications and crisp, no-nonsense execution. Established in 2009 with 30 years‚ experience, the LFPR team are committed to delivering excellence every time.
Description of Services:
Media Relations
Marketing and Branding
Social Media Management
Copywriting & Editing
Graphic Design
Event Planning
Website Management
Strategic Planning & Consulting
Crisis Management
Brochure Writing and Design
Feature Writing
The creative team at Reflections lives to help your company thrive. Much more than your ambassadors, we are your partners, your architects, your curators to securing and growing your brand. Storytellers through and through, we’re geared to tell yours in new and exciting ways.
So, start thinking about how far you want to go, and we’ll show you how much farther we can take you.
As your community connection and the one and only master calendar, we are Richmond Hill's premiere source of advertising celebrating 15 years of Reflections this year. Contact us to see how we can better expose your business to the community.
EMAIL EVENT DETAILS TO: Ashley@ReflectionsMediaCommunications.com
Monday-Thursday: 9am-3pm
Description of Products/Services:
Full Event Schedule for Richmond Hill
Post your events FREE
Weekly Calendar Updates
Event Photo Gallery
Business Directory
Virtual Tours of Richmond Hill
Page-by-Page Turn of Reflections Lifestyle magazine