September 21, 2019 @ 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Enjoy a stunning and historic race through the beautiful and exclusive Ford Plantation of Richmond Hill this summer.
The race begins and finishes at the Ford Mansion with Mansion provided finisher food. This is not your typical finish line food but the work of a true chef. Spectators may purchase food. 1 finisher beer included
The course has all types of terrain (grass, light trail, wooden bridges, dirt road, and asphalt) but is basically flat. This 10-mile course will allow you to see the exquisite beauty that Coastal Georgia has to offer, while taking you past historic places used by Henry Ford and his family and friends, when he used the plantation as one of his winter homes. All proceeds of the race will benefit the Richmond Hill High School Band .
The race entries will be limited to 200. NO RACE DAY REGISTRATION
Parking will be at the Ford Plantation limited to one vehicle per registration. Spectators must coming in with their runners.
Spectacular commemorative medals which double as a coaster.
Special Awards for Overall Top Male and Female runners and Top Male and Female Masters.