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Are you free this Thursday afternoon?

Come have a beer with the Ogeechee Riverkeeper and learn about the current efforts to get federal clean water protections for Georgia and its rivers, streams, drinking water sources, and communities – and how you can fight back.

Along with their partners at the Southern Environmental Law Center, Ogeechee Riverkeeper is standing up to the EPA, industry lobbyists, and the DC politicians over a proposal to dismantle the Clean Water Act, one of this country’s bedrock environmental protections that has been in place for generations.

If their proposal becomes law, over 53,000 miles of streams and millions of acres of wetlands will be at risk for unregulated pollution in Georgia alone. If we don’t keep our small streams and other upstream waterways clean, the water that most Americans drink and use in our daily lives will be at risk – including the drinking water for 69 percent of Georgians.

However, the good news is that this is not set in stone. The EPA is required by law to listen and respond to your feedback. Its going to take all of us – farmers, fisherman, sportsmen, paddlers, beer drinkers, parents, and people like you – to stand up and stand together to fight back.

On March 28th, join us at the Moon River Brewing Co. The deadline to comment and make your voice heard is quickly approaching, and now is your chance to stand up and #ProtectCleanWater.

You can learn more and submit your comment on the proposal now at https://www.southernenvironment.org/protect-southern-water.

Thanks for joining us in our fight to keep Georgia water clean. We look forward to seeing you there.