Holes for Horses Golf Tournament
October 7, 2019 @ 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
The riders and volunteers of Horsin’ Around would like to invite you to our 5th Annual Benefit Golf Tournament on Monday, October 7th at Savannah Quarters Country Club. The proceeds from this golf tournament will benefit Horsin’ Around whose mission is to enhance the development, both physically and mentally, of special needs individuals utilizing the unique assets provided by horseback riding and human interaction. Horsin’ Around is run 100% by volunteers so every penny raised will go toward the running or our therapy program. First and second place teams will be awarded prizes and all players will receive lunch and an opportunity at our silent auction. This is a great opportunity to have fun, get exercise, socialize and help keep our special needs riders in the saddle and on the way to Special Olympics. Please consider sponsorship of our event and/or playing on a team. In-kind donations are also appreciated.