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Join the Richmond Hill/Bryan County Chamber of Commerce for an Opioid Education Forum/Coffee & Conversation. Bryan County has the highest opioid prescribing rate when compared to Effingham, Liberty and Chatham counties, which means the community has easy access to these highly addictive drugs.

Panelists incude:
Mary Fuller, Project Coordinator, Bryan Prevention & Recovery
Mitch Shores, Chief of Police, City of Ricmond Hill
Mike Maxwell, Captain, Bryan County Sheriff
Lisa M. Pokorny, LMSW, Employee Assistance Program Manager, Army Substance Abuse Program, USAG Ft. Stewart/HAAF

Thursday, May 9
Continental breakfast begins at 8 a.m.
Forum begins at 8:30 a.m.

Complimentary to RHBC Chamber members in good standing and invited guests.
$15 for non-members.
RSVP’s are required by Monday, May 6.