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The Richmond Hill/Bryan County Board of Directors is pleased to announce the 2nd Annual RHBC Chamber CTAE/WBL (Career, Technical, Agricultural and Education/Work-Based Learning) Scholarships. The Chamber will award two $2,500 scholarships to a young man and a young woman graduating from Richmond Hill High School in 2019 on May 6 – RHHS Honors Night.
“Due to the continued success of the Great Ogeechee Seafood Festival and other Chamber programs, the Board is pleased to offer two scholarships this year as we think it is important to continue to reward students in the CTAE/WBL program at Richmond Hill High School,” said Board Chairman Dallas Daniel.

Deadline to submit the application is March 22, 2019. RHHS seniors can access the scholarship application at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11No_95_3gEeLqH-mv2uKL5PomsHlyNy850ONGpj-wXk/edit?usp=sharing or see Ms. Kea, Honor Committee Chair at RHHS for hard-copy applications, or email the Chamber at info@RHBCchamber.org for an application.