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The 2021 Christmas on the Ogeechee Lighted Boat Parade will be hosted by Fort McAllister Sport Fishing Club & Fort McAllister Marina.
This special event began in the 1990’s by the late Tommy and Irene Darieng and continues to be the an honored tradition in the hearts of many in our community.
Event attendees are asked to support Bryan County Animal Shelter by donating food in the drop box near the hoist.
Boat entry is $25 per boat. Online registration will begin Saturday, November 13th on the Fort McAllister Sport Fishing Club’s Facebook Page.
Event Day:
Free hoist and overnight dockage is offered to all boats participating in the parade.
Please pick up your assigned boat number and a commemorative boat flag at the marina after 1 p.m.
Santa and The Grinch will make an appearance for photos.
Judges will award the following prizes:
1st Place (Best Decorated)-$500
2nd Place (Most Creative)-$300
3rd Place (Most Spirited)-$200
Contact Rhonda Gordon 912-856-2727, Frank Rushing 912-312-3593, or Gabe Flaherty 912-572-3338 for additional details or visit Fort McAllister Sport Fishing Club’s Facebook Page.