Latest Past Events
GRAND OPENING – The Wild Horse Salon
The Wild Horse Salon 9701 Ford Avenue, Suite E, Richmond HillThe Wild Horse Salon's grand opening is set for June 15th at 6:00 PM. They will have light snacks and drinks. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Reaching Goals Soccer Academy Ribbon Cutting
DeVaul Henderson Park 500 Veterans Memorial Pkwy, Richmond HillPlease join the Richmond Hill/Bryan County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and other invited guests for the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony of Reaching Goals Soccer Academy (RGSA), 500 Veterans Parkway - DeVaul Henderson Park (grass soccer fields) on Thursday, June 13. Reaching Goals Soccer Academy offers players of all ages and skill levels an opportunity [...]
Shooting with the Stars 2019
17 South Rod and Gun Club 5899 N Coastal Hwy, FlemingFamily Promise of Bryan County is hosting their annual Shooting with the Stars on Friday, June 7 at the South Rod and Gun Club. As a "star" influential member of the community, guests are invited to a sporting clay tournament on that day. All proceeds allow Family Promise of Bryan County to continue to serve [...]