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Friday, July 1, 2022 
5-7 p.m. 
Plant Riverside District – Grand Bohemian Gallery 

In honor of the opening of John Lytle Wilson’s exhibit “SPLASH!,” guests are invited to enjoy an artist reception with John and complimentary wine.

ABOUT JOHN LYTLE WILSON: An artist known for his brightly colored paintings and murals, John Lytle Wilson depicts cartoon robots, monkeys and other creatures invading traditional landscape paintings. His work has been featured in New American Paintings, and his murals can be found on noteworthy buildings, including the Birmingham Museum of Art, the University of Alabama-Birmingham’s Specialty Care Clinic, Facebook’s Data Center in Huntsville, Ala. and more.

Born in Rock Hill, S.C., Wilson earned an M.F.A. from Florida State University and a B.F.A. from Birmingham-Southern College. Wilson has held teaching positions at Florida State University, Wallace State Community College, University of Alabama-Birmingham and Birmingham-Southern College. He served as the Artist-in-Residence at 621 Gallery in Tallahassee, Fla. and has been named to Oxford American’s “100 Under 100: The New Superstars of Southern Art.”